19 March 2008


I wondered how long it would be before the ink sets down and dries
I now wonder how long it would be before the tears fell

You break my confidence and now you break me
Take the fragile material and rip it up and tear it down
These words don't approximate my feelings, no matter how wretched they are
I don't think my words do--approximate my feelings

There's all the pretending, the circulating of letters and words
Most of them fictitcious and cruel
No one really knows the full story, no one bothers to ask
And I can't be bothered with the "deaf"
That is, the people who can hear and won't bother comprehending

People constantly condemn in supercilious tones and it
Kills me

I want for you to come and find me
And take me to where you live, to the beach and just stay with me
Even though dependence is my undoing

I want to be free, I've always wanted to be free
Free of what Society says
Following my will...not God's

I stopped because it wasn't for me
The singing and the what not
Feeling a sense of unease
I left

Where are you when I need you, Dear?
I love you, I miss you
Please, won't you find me?

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