27 June 2009


Okay. Anyone who has been following me on Twitter or is a friend of mine on Skype knows that I've been a little out of sorts lately. These surges of energy are not from any drugs that I take, they're just there you know? Very annoying. They're particularly strong when I listen to Linkin Park's "Numb" (a sign that I should stop listening to that song? Perhaps.). 

I've been told (by the voices in my head) that I'm a telekinetic. Do I know if they're right? No, because I've never tried. Why? Because I'm terrified of the power that they have. They have a lot of power and I'm afraid to see if, for once, they are telling the truth they'll be ready to take EVERYTHING from me. If they take everything from me, then I'm doomed because I will not remember much of anything ever again.

It's an unpleasant feeling to have voices in your head constantly telling you what to do & how to do it & when to do it. I'm liable to fall into the trap that tells me if I use red ink they'll go away, if I do this at a certain time I won't have nightmares. Nightmares are my punishment for when I don't do as they say. I believe that they nearly killed me. They said they would be able to do it too, when they're ready to dispose of me, but I don't tell my parents that for fear that I will be sent to a hospital right before I start work (more on that later). Or just in general. I have to register for classes and take the placement test at my community college. Stuff like that. And I just can't can't can't have them interfering. If they kill me, then what do I do?

Moving on.

If you follow me on Twitter or a friend of mine on Skype, then you know I got a job. Training starts on 2 July. I have to re-arrange some things but I can get it done. I know I can.

Questions or concerns? You most likely have my information. If not, then you can always just comment. Thanks for reading.