14 September 2008

Update for 14 September 2008

I got into Geometry! Yay! But it's hard, though. All of those angles and what not kinda drive me up the wall...and I am determined to pass Geometry...even if I have to take the final to do so! (At my school if you pass the midterm and do well in the third and fourth marking periods you don't have to take the final...but that's only for Seniors and full year classes only) I'm not giving up on Geometry, no no no! I'll ask my teacher for help (and I don't do that often! No seriously I really don't. I'm just odd like that.) if need be. That's how it will be. I don't mind staying after school for help..because we all know I'll probably be needing it.

German, English and Psychology are my favorite classes despite the fact that after second period starts and I get mid-way through the period I'm ready to go to sleep because I have to take Thorazine in the morning time...35mg of it (it used to be 25mg) and I don't like it, but we (the friends who know and my family) want the voices to go away and stay away, you know? 

My therapy so far is going alright...I see her again on this coming Tuesday @ 4:00pm. And then I might see my old psychologist on Friday. So I think that this will be an eventful week.

Now if only I could not cry in Physical Education class...that would be sweet. :) My gym teacher has all my unit (every marking period there are four units that you can choose from....separate from your "grade level" teacher) teachers looking out for me, making sure I don't break down (again). I don't understand why this is happening to me anyway. Maybe it's PMS or maybe it's part of my problems (the doctor I see who prescribes my medications says that we can rule out Bipolar disorder because I don't exhibit any of the symptoms of it....)

But...yea, 12th grade is pretty okay. My sister is a Freshman and were in the same school with my brother who's a Sophomore. What's annoying is that I have to walk my sister to school everyday. One of these days my brother's going to do it. I know it because I can't take it anymore. I just can't. Sometimes it sucks to be the oldest. Why? Because I'm the one stuck with everything! But hey, least I get to graduate first. :)

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