29 April 2008

On the First Day of Suspension....

Well, nothing happened much, really. I had to do a little manual labor today, and I'll probably have manual labor to do tomorrow. Thursday I get off because of my meeting (and as a result go to school twice :) fun). We'll see.

Have I learned my lesson? Maybe, because I might do it again. Lyndell has gotten off one time too many, and hopefully I was able to shrink his overgrown, prissy head. If not, well, then I'll just have to execute my story then, won't I? We'll see...because I've got the idea in my head, and I just have to post the fucker online...

His [Lyndell's] friend, Mariah, always said that one day I'd go off. Well, yesterday was that day. I don't take kindly to the fuckers who think they are so much better than everyone for one reason or another. I don't take it from anyone older than me...I don't take it from anyone younger than me [that girl in question knows who she is.]. I don't take it from anyone. 

Anyways, that's that. He's got it coming, and I'm coming in early to pick up some work....fun..oh well, we'll see what happens. I won't be surprised if all of my teachers sent me "What's happened?" notes. Again, we'll see....

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