02 February 2008


Just so we all know...everything on here is real. It's happened once before. What I write can come in the form of poems, stories or rants. What ever I prefer. It's not your concern as to what I write. It's just how it is.

You don't have to read what I'm typing, but I'd like it if you did. Maybe you can relate to what I'm saying. Maybe you care. Now that's going to be one hell of a surprise. Honestly that would be.

Yes, I can be "not like everyone else" it's no matter to me. I've had many people tell me I'm weird and walk away without a backwards glance. I don't know what the "WooTang" is, and I don't care what it is---you just won't catch me doing it. I'm just not that kind of person...I don't get my kicks like that. I get my kicks off of placing my opinions on the world wide web.

The stuff you find is just the stuff you find. It's not important....I take that back. Yes it is. It's very important. You see the world through the eyes of a 17 year old. I'll be seventeen on Wednesday.

Weird, isn't it? 

Once you get past the fact that I listen to music that can scare the bejesus out of people, I'm a cool person. Not cool cool..but cool enough.

Now...immerse yourselves.

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